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Monday, March 30, 2015

Wanita cantik lulusan universitas di Inggris ini telah memenangkan lebih dari 1 juta pounds (Rp 13 miliar) pada sebuah turnamen poker di San Remo, Italia.

Olivia Boeree (25) menjadi wanita ketiga yang pernah memenangkan European Poker Tour (EPT) dan mampu mengalahkan 1.240 pemain lainnya, lalu meraih hadiah fantastis 1.250.000 euro.

Olivia, yang memiliki nama panggilan Liv dan mengambil bidang astrofisika di Universitas Manchester ini, mengaku sempat tidak percaya saat mengalahkan Jakob Carlsson, pemain poker profesional asal Swedia.

"Aku nyaris tidak percaya bisa mengatasi situasi yang paling sulit dalam hidupku. Saya baru memenangkan turnamen EPT dan meraih hadiah fantastis," katanya.

"Sulit dipercaya, saya seorang ilmuwan, namun mampu memenangkan turnamen EPT. Ini benar-benar menimbulkan perasaan yang aneh," tulis Liv di halaman Twitter-nya.

Selain nama panggilan, Liv juga memiliki nama populer Iron Maiden. Nama ini disandangkan pada Liv karena kesukaannya pada musik jenis heavy metal.

Liv pernah mengambil bagian dalam acara reality show di Channel 5. Sambil menyandang gitar listrik, ia menyanyikan lagu-lagu jenis heavy metal.

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Hadiah terbesar yang pernah diraih sebelumnya adalah 30.000 pounds, saat ia menang dalam European Ladies Tournamen. Total pendapatan Liv dari berbagai turnamen yang diikutinya sekitar 1,3 juta pounds (Rp 17 miliar).

Saat ini impian Liv hanya satu, yaitu turnamen EPT di Monte Carlo. Soal uang hadiah akan diinvestasikan untuk membeli properti. "Saya akan menginvestasikan untuk membeli properti di Las Vegas dan London. Saya sangat suka dengan dua kota ini," katanya.

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Selama beberapa bulan belakangan ini beredar kabar kalau para superhero yang akan tampil di AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON belum tentu akan kita temui lagi di film Avengers berikutnya. Jadi, intinya di akhir film yang segera tayang 1 Mei mendatang ini akan berakhir dengan 'pensiun-ny' beberapa superhero.

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Ada sebuah kabar seperti dilansir Cinemablend, Avengers selanjutnya akan terdiri dari Falcon, Scarlet Witch, The Vision, dan War Machine. Superhero baru itu akan dipimpin oleh Captain America dan Black Widow.

Artinya kalau kabar di atas benar, maka Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, dan Hawkeye akan menyerahkan tempat kepada para Avengers baru yang kemungkinan akan diperkenalkan di film-film Marvel berikutnya. Seperti diketahui dalam setiap Avengers yang dirilis, selalu ada tokoh baru yang hadir walau sekedar untuk perkenalan.

Tapi buat fans Iron Man dkk tak perlu gundah dan galau dulu ya. Superhero-superhero kesayangan penggemar ini masih akan muncul di beberapa film Marvel. Iron Man dan Hawkeye sudah confirmed tampil di CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. thor juga punya film baru di 2017 yaitu THOR: RAGNAROK.

Sedangkan untuk Hulk yang diperankan Mark Ruffalo memang belum ada kabar untuk penampilan berikutnya. Tapi Mark sendiri masih ada 4 kontrak film dengan Marvel jadi kemungkinan dia akan hadir lagi di film Marvel lain walau sampai sekarang belum ada pengumuman.

Kalau seandainya benar, gimana pendapat kalian film Avengers tanpa Iron Man, Thor, dan Hulk? Bakal hampa atau malah jadi fresh?

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jakarta - Jude Law kembali memperbesar anggota keluarganya. Bintang film 'Grand Budapest Hotel' tersebut baru saja dikaruniai seorang putri dari mantan pacarnya, Catherine Harding.

Kabar bahagia tersebut telah dikonfirmasi oleh salah satu juru bicara Jude. Walaupun kini telah berpisah, namun Catherine dan aktor berusia 42 tahun tersebut akan merawat sang putri bersama-sama.

"Saya membenarkan berita kelahiran putri Jude Law dan Catherine Harding. Keduanya sangat bahagia dan meminta untuk tetap menjaga privasi mereka," ujar sang juru bicara sperti dikutip dari E! Online, Rabu (18/3/2015).

Hingga kini masih belum ada detail lebih lanjut mengenai buah hati Jude dan Catherine. Nampaknya keduanya masih ingin menyembunyikan sang putri dari sorotan media.

Ini adalah kelahiran putri pertama untuk Jude dan Catherine (23). Sebelumnya, aktor asal Inggris tersebut telah dikaruniai tiga orang anak, Rafferty (18), Iris (13), Rudy (12) dari mantan istri, Sadie Frost, dan seorang putri, Sophia (5) dari model Samantha Burke.



Jakarta - Pada 2002 lalu, rapper Eminem merilis sebuah lagu yang didedikasikan untuk sang putri, Hailie Jade Scott Mathers, bertajuk 'Hailie's Song'. Tak terasa sang putri kini sudah berusia 19 tahun dan makin dewasa.

Hailie memasang foto terbaru dirinya untuk profile picture akun Twitter pribadinya. Gadis berambut pirang tersebut terlihat sangat cantik, perpaduan antara sang ayah dengan ibunya, Kim Mathers.

Tak hanya cantik, ternyata Hailie juga berprestasi. Juni 2014 lalu, ia berhasil lulus dari sekolah dengan nilai cum laude (3,9).

Baca juga: Selamat! Jude Law Dikaruniai Anak Ke-5 dari Mantan Pacar

Mengenai perannya sebagai ayah, Eminem pernah membahasnya dalam sebuah wawancara. Rapper berusia 42 tahun tersebut berusaha untuk tak melewatkan momen-momen penting bersama dengan sang putri.

"Jika ada hal penting apapun yang terjadi, aku akan selalu bersamanya. Membantu mengerjakan PR sesering mungkin," ujar Eminem kala itu.

Hailie adalah satu-satunya putri biologis dari Eminem dan mantan istrinya, Kim. Sang rapper juga menjadi wali dari Whitney dan Aliana, putri dari Dawn, saudari kembar sang mantan istri.


Untuk pertama kalinya, single 'The Monster' dari Rihanna dan Eminem dibawakan secara live di MTV Movie Awards 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson.
Rihanna tampak mengubah warna rambutnya menjadi merah. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images).  


Jakarta - Setelah bercerai dari sang suami, Enji, pesona Ayu Ting Ting tidak hilang begitu saja. Ayu justru semakin sering dikabarkan memiliki kedekatan dengan beberapa pria, salah satunya Ivan Gunawan.

Namun hingga saat ini, ibu satu anak tersebut belum menemukan siapa pendamping yang cocok untuk dirinya. Ia pun mengaku tak mau terburu-buru dalam masalah jodoh.

"Terserah Allah saja kalau yang itu yang (jodoh) saya nggak mau terlalu memusingkan itu," katanya saat ditemui di kawasan Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (17/3/2015) malam.

Foto: Aih... Cantiknya Rini Yulianti, Adik Ririn Ekawati

Pelantun 'Alamat Palsu' itu mengatakan dirinya saat ini tengah fokus dengan sang buah hati, Bilqis. Baginya, menjadi ibu sekaligus ayah bagi Bilqis membuatnya banyak belajar.

"Dibantu sama orangtua juga jadinya nggak terlalu kerepotan. Tapi tetep saya yang utama mengurus Bilqis," katanya.


Ayu Ting Ting tampak ceria. Pool/Gus Mun/detikFoto.Ia tampil cantik dibalut blus oranye, rok abu-abu dan heels senada dengan blus yang dikenakannya. Pool/Gus Mun/detikFoto.


Jakarta - Desainer Domenico Dolce dan Stefano Gabbana awal pekan lalu menuai kontroversi setelah menyatakan menentang adopsi oleh pasangan gay. Setelah mendengar pernyataan tersebut, Elton John pun menyerukan boikot terhadap karya dari dua desainer asal Italia tersebut.

Tak sedikit selebriti dunia yang mendukung pemboikotan Dolce and Gabbana oleh Elton, seperti Ricky Martin, Ryan Murphy, hingga Courtney Love. Namun ada juga yang malah balik menyerang Elton sang pelantun hits 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight'.

Adalah senator Roberto Formigoni yang merasa keputusan Elton untuk memboikot duo desainer tersebut keterlaluan. Ia membela sikap Dolce and Gabbana yang berani mengungkapkan apa saja yang ada dalam pikiran mereka.

"Aku membela Dolce and Gabbana, dan aku memuji pernyataan berani mereka. Ini namanya kebebasan dalam berpendapat. Kampanye pemboikotan yang dilakukan Elton John kepada dua desainer tersebut sangat memalukan dan tak bisa ditoleransi," ungkap Roberto geram seperti dikutip dari Dailystar, Rabu (18/3/2015).

Baca juga: Selamat! Jude Law Dikaruniai Anak Ke-5 dari Mantan Pacar

Tak hanya itu, Roberto juga membandingkan sikap Elton dengan anggota Taliban. "Elton John adalah seorang Taliban. Metode yang dipakainya untuk menyerang Dolce and Gabbana sama dengan metode yang digunakan Taliban, untuk menyerang Charlie Hebdo," sambungnya.

"Para 'gay Taliban' ini mencoba untuk memboikot Dolce and Gabbana hanya karena mereka berani berpendapat kalau setiap anak punya hak untuk memiliki ayah dan ibu," pungkasnya.

Desainer Stefano Gabbana dan Domenico Dolce awal pekan lalu mengungkapkan keberatannya terhadap adopsi yang dilakukan oleh pasangan gay. Menurut mereka, seorang anak harus lahir secara alami dari rahim ibu, tanpa tambahan bahan kimia atau peralatan-peralatan canggih lainnya.

"Yang bisa disebut keluarga adalah keluarga yang dibentuk dengan cara yang alami. Kau lahir dari seorang ibu dan ayah, atau setidaknya seharusnya seperti itu. Aku menyebut anak-anak yang lahir dengan bantuan kimia adalah anak-anak sintetis. Dengan rahim sewaan dan sperma yang dipilih dari katalog," ungkap keduanya kala itu.


Ini dia kolaborasi Sara Bareilles dan Elton John. Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images/detikFoto.


Jakarta - Tak lagi berkarier di dunia tarik suara, mantan personel grup Westlife, Kian Egan, kini lebih sering terlihat di acara TV. Belum lama ini, Kian dan istri, Jodi Albert, diwawancara mengenai kandungan kedua sang istri yang semakin membesar.

Kian dan Jodi mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia menanti kelahiran anak kedua dalam wawancaranya dengan majalah OK!. Saat pertama kali tahu sang istri yang juga mantan personel girlband Girl Thing tersebut hamil lagi, keduanya sama-sama menunjukkan reaksi yang tak terduga.

"Setelah melakukan tes, pada hasilnya tertulis 'hamil satu sampai dua minggu' dan kami langsung menangis bahagia. Aku tak menyadari seberapa besar keinginanku untuk memiliki anak lagi sampai aku tahu aku kembali mengandung," ungkap Jodi seperti dikutip dari Mirror, Kamis (19/3/2015).

Baca juga: Putri Eminem Semakin Cantik dan Dewasa

Jodi juga bicara mengenai postnatal depression (depresi pasca persalinan) seusai melahirkan anak pertamanya, Koa. Ia menghadapi depresi tersebut cukup lama, yaitu tujuh bulan pertama setelah melahirkan.

"Setelah melahirkan Koa, aku tak menyadari apa yang terjadi padaku selama tujuh bulan. Kuharap kali ini aku bisa menyadari tanda-tandanya dan tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengontrolnya. Aku akan bicara pada seseorang," sambungnya.

"Ya, aku sebenarnya benci harus membuatnya melewati hal yang sama untuk kedua kalinya. Jodi kurang menikmati bagian pertama dalam kehidupan Koa," tambah Kian.

Kian Egan dan Jodi Albert menikah pada Mei 2009. Dua tahun setelahnya, putra pertama yang diberi nama Koa, terlahir ke dunia pada Desember 2011.


Dekat dan akrab, mungkin itu dua kata yang pas untuk mendeskripsikan konser Shane tersebut. Pool/Palevi S/detikFoto.detikHOT pun berkesempatan untuk berbincang-bincang dengannya. Asep/detikHOT.


Jakarta - Artis Marissa Jeffryna mengaku dikaruniai indera keenam yang bisa meramalkan masa depan. Tak sedikit dari teman-teman yang pernah dibantunya. Tapi, keterampilan itu ternyata tak bisa untuk menerawang masa depannya sendiri.

"Aku bisa bacain, terus aku kasih solusi. Aku bisa tahu masa depan dan masa lalu orang juga," ungkapnya.

Foto: Cantiknya Rini Yulianti, Adik Ririn Ekawati

Faktanya, Marissa pernah gagal dalam berumah tangga dengan Agung Udijana. Usia pernikahan mereka bahkan hanya bertahan 2 tahun saja setelah diputus resmi bercerai awal 2014 lalu.

Marissa kini tengah dekat dengan seorang pria. Tapi ia belum mau memutuskan untuk kembali menikah karena berbagai alasan, termasuk feelingnya yang belum tepat.

Foto: Hot Alert! Merah Menyala Aura Kasih

"Buat diri sendiri itu nggak bisa nerawang. Paling bisa kalau si cowok yang dekat sama aku lewat feeling aja," katanya.  Next »



Jakarta - Pelawak senior Tessy hari ini menjalankan sidang kasus narkoba yang menyeretnya di Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi. Terlihat sangat kurus, di dalam penjara Tessy hanya bisa mengkonsumsi bubur dan susu.

"Dia makan makanan yang kasar nggak bisa. Cuma bisa makan bubur dan susu, biar pulihin ususnya nanti. Kan tenggorokannya juga lagi sakit ya," kata rekan sesama pelawak, Kadir, Rabu (18/3/2015).

Foto: Makin Intim... Syahrini dan Dash Berlin Naik Jet Pribadi ke Yogyakarta

Dalam sidang perdana ini, tak banyak yang diucapkan Tessy. Saat memasuki ruang sidang pun ia melakukan aksi tutup mulut. Sejumlah sahabat tampak memberikan dukungan. Selain Kadir ada pula Polo dan Tarzan.

"Kita datang ke sini memberikan semangat untuk Tessy supaya dia tegar dalam menjalankan ini semua," paparnya.

Ketiga sahabat Tessy berharap sidang tersebut dapat dilangsungkan dengan cepat dan tidak berlarut-larut.

"Kalau bisa sidangnya jangan panjang. Dia kan sudah mengakui kesalahannya, dia pengguna. Mudah-mudahan dia bisa direhab, itu harapan kita dan juga harus ikhlas jalani ini semua ya Mas Tessy. Mohon dukungannya, maafkan Tessy atas perlakuannya yang saat ini," tutur Kadir.


Tessy terlihat sangat kurus mengenakan jaket berwarna gelap dan kupluk abu-abu. Desi Puspasari/detikHOT.


Jakarta - Hari ini pelawak Tessy menjalani sidang perdana kasus narkoba yang menjeratnya di Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi. Beberapa teman pelawak seperti Tarzan, Kadir dan Polo datang untuk memberikan semangat.

Sesaat sebelum sidang dimulai, kumpulan satu profesi itu terus berbincang-bincang. Namun, bukan materi perkara yang tengah dihadapi Tessy yang mereka bicarakan, melainkan tentang batu akik.

Foto: Aih... Cantiknya Rini Yulianti, Adik Ririn Ekawati

"Dia nggak mengeluh, senyum-senyum. Malah kita bicara batu akik tadi, bukan masalah dia," kata Kadir, Rabu (18/3/2015).

Menurut Kadir, itulah cara untuk mengalihkan masalah yang tengah dihadapi temannya itu.

"Saya tanya batumu mana? Katanya dia, batunya ada masih disimpan. Terus dia ketawa-ketawa. Ya inilah cara kita supaya bisa tertawa. Kita cari permbicaraan lain supaya dia tegar dan ikhlas," urai Polo.


Tessy terlihat sangat kurus mengenakan jaket berwarna gelap dan kupluk abu-abu. Desi Puspasari/detikHOT.


Jakarta - Marissa Jeffryna sepertinya tak merasa terbebani dengan status janda. Menurutnya, ia sejak dulu memang sudah terbiasa hidup sendiri.

Rumah tangga Marissa Jeffryna dan Agung Udijana harus berakhir di pengadilan pada awal 2014 lalu. Padahal pernikahan mereka terbilang masih seumur jagung.

Lihat Foto: Aura Kasih Dicium Brownie, Rambut Emas-Hijau Asty Ananta

"Nikahnya udah 2 tahun. Tapi udah biasa hidup sendiri kayak dulu, nggak ada bedanya. Sama aja kayak sebelum menikah," ungkapnya saat ditemui di Studio PSI, Pengadegan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (17/3/2015) malam.

Bintang FTV itu mengaku tak ingin larut dalam kesedihan. Ia juga siap menata kehidupannya demi meraih masa depan yang gemilang.

Lihat Foto: Hot Alert! Merah Menyala Aura Kasih

"Jadi kayak balik seperti dulu, cuma bedanya sekarang tidur sendiri," ujarnya.

Pemain film 'Otomatis Romantis' itu menikah dengan Agung pada 17 Agustus 2011. Dari pernikahan itu, mereka belum dikaruniai anak. Tapi hingga kini penyebab perceraian mereka masih tidak diketahui.

"Ya ada lah, nggak perlu tahu," tuturnya.



Jakarta - Hobi Gunawan dalam mengoleksi dan mengendarai motor sport yang bertenaga sulit dilepas meskipun ia beberapa kali kecelakaan. Baru-baru ini Gunawan patah kaki dan harus dioperasi. Awalanya ia amsih tak kapok, sebelum kemudian teguran dari anak menyentuh sisi emosionalnya.

Beberapa bulan lalu Gunawan mengalami kecelakaan. Kaki kirinya di bagian tulang kering patah karena tertimpa motor. Ia kemudian menjalani operasi di Singapura dan menanamkan pen titanium di bagian yang sakit.

"Tapi saya sempat alami kekhawatiran karena tulang saya tumbuhnya kurang dari perkembangannya. Jadi kalau April ini perkembangannya kurang, itu harus diambil tulang lagi," kata Gunawan saat ditemui di studio PSI, Pengadegan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (17/3) malam.

Baca Juga: Istri Sering Menangis Lihat Kondisi Tessy

Semenjak kecelakaan itu, hingga kini Gunawan setop bermain sinetron. Tetapi aktor berusia 42 tahun tersebut tetap beraktivitas di kantornya.

Gunawan menyebut bahwa istrinya Sybilla Ernova Hartoto Hardikusumo (Lala) makin keras melarang ia naik motor. Trauma pasca kecelakaan juga membuat pemilik motor Ducati ini berpikir lagi.

"Saya berpikir kalau udah sembuh pengen maen motor lagi, tapi ternyata istri bilang nggak boleh. Tapi pengen sih kalau bisa colong-colongan aja deh main motornya," kata bintang sinetron 'Anak-Anak Manusia' itu seraya tertawa.  Next »

Ivan di panggung IFW 2015. Pool/Noel/detikFoto.Rina diberi kejutan oleh sang suami Teddy Syah dan kedua anaknya, Aqshal Ilham Syafatullah dan Karnisya Rahmasyach. Pool/Noel/detikFoto.


Jakarta - Sudah satu tahun Marissa Jeffryna hidup menjanda setelah cerai dari Agung Udijana awal 2014 lalu. Meski begitu, ia tak mau cepat-cepat memutuskan untuk kembali menikah.

Ia mengaku kegagalan berumah tangga membuatnya menjadi sosok yang penuh dengan pertimbangan. Dalam hal asmara, bintang 'Otomatis Romantis' itu bahkan belum punya rencana apapun.

Lihat Foto: Hot Alert! Merah Menyala Aura Kasih

"Masih ada yang mau aku kerjakan. Belum kepikiran, tapi yang dekat ada, cuma nggak tahu sih, masih mau sendiri," ungkapnya saat ditemui di Studio PSI, Pengadegan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (17/3/2015) malam.

Marissa menuturkan, dirinya tak punya tipe khusus bagi pasangannya kelak. Ia juga tak mau pilih-pilih cowok karena hartanya.

Lihat Foto: Aura Kasih Dicium Brownie, Rambut Emas-Hijau Asty Ananta

"Yang jelas yang cocok aja, aku nggak macem-macem, nggak minta yang harus kaya, yang penting sayang dan nerima aku apa adanya," tutur perempuan kelahiran 22 Februari 1987 itu.

Tapi ternyata, ia tak ingin kembali memiliki pasangan seorang artis seperti mantan suaminya. Ia menghindari berbagai kemungkinan masa lalunya kembali terulang. Apalagi, Marissa juga mengaku sejak kecil telah dikaruniai indera keenam.

"Ya jadi bisa tahu, bisa lihat baik apa nggak. Tapi kalau buat diri sendiri itu aku nggak bisa nerawang si cowok yang dekat sama aku. Paling cuma feeling aja," ujarnya.



Jakarta - Menghadiahi diri sendiri setelah bekerja keras memang menyenangkan. Itulah yang dilakukan pasangan Irwansyah dan Zaskia Sungkar. Setelah sibuk bekerja mereka pun menikmati liburan keliling Amerika Serikat selama satu bulan.

"Ini baru yang pertama jadi kita manfaatkan buat muter Vegas, LA, San Francisco. Jadi butuh waktu lama," kata Irwansyah saat ditemui di Gedung Trans TV, Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (17/3/2015) malam.

Lihat Foto: Hot Alert! Merah Menyala Aura Kasih

Kebetulan, Zaskia sedang ada acara fashion di New York. Mereka pun memanfaatkan waktu tersebut sekalian berlibur.

Liburan itu juga sebagai peringatan hari ulang tahun Irwansyah yang ke-30. Di salah satu restoran, keduanya juga menggelar makan malam romantis.

"Dikasih tahu tempat makan yang enak. Di sana jalan sama makan aja sih," kata pria kelahiran 6 Maret itu.

"Kadonya masih ngutang, di sini baru dibeliin," lanjut Zaskia.


Irwansyah dan Zaskia Sungkar. Pool/Noel/detikFoto.Didi mengaku sangat bergairah ketika diminta untuk turut menjadi sutradara. Gus Mun/detikHOT.


Jakarta - Tessy akan segera menjalani sidang perdana kasus narkoba di Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi, Rabu (18/3/2015). Saat tiba, pelawak berstatus terdakwa itu memilih menutup mulut dengan tangannya.

Pria bernama asli Kabul Basuki itu datang bersama para tahanan kejaksaan lain sekitar pukul 11.45 WIB. Ia mengenakan kemeja dan sepatu putih, serta kupluk di kepalanya.

Foto: Cantiknya Rini Yulianti, Adik Ririn Ekawati

Tessy mengacuhkan beberapa pertanyaan awak media yang menanyakan perihal kesehatan dan kesiapan jelang sidang. Ia justru melakukan aksi tutup mulut.

Saat ini, Tessy tengah berada dalam pengawasan di dalam ruang tahanan pengadilan. Rencananya, sidang salah satu personel Srimulat itu akan berlangsung pukul 13.00 WIB.

Foto: Hot Alert! Merah Menyala Aura Kasih

Tessy ditangkap jajaran Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika Bareskrim Mabes Polri 23 Oktober 2014 di kawasan Bekasi. Ia ditangkap bersama dua orang lain yakni Ahmad Jamhari dan Pudji Sapto Prijono, SE. MM.

Saat ditangkap, Tessy juga sempat melakukan percobaan bunuh diri dengan menenggak cairan pembersih lantai. Ia dijerat dengan Pasal 114 (1) Jo. Pasal 132 UU RI Nomor 35 Tahun 2009, Pasal 112 (1) Jo Pasal 132 UU RI Nomor 35 Tahun 2009, dan Pasal 127 (1) huruf a Jo. Pasal 132 UU Nomor 35 Tahun 2009.


Tessy terlihat sangat kurus mengenakan jaket berwarna gelap dan kupluk abu-abu. Desi Puspasari/detikHOT.


Jakarta - Pelawak Tessy akan menjalani sidang perdana kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba di Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi, hari ini, Rabu (18/3). Kuasa hukum Tessy, Taufik Husni, menyebut kondisi kliennya itu cukup menyedihkan.

"Terakhir kunjungan ke Lapas Bulak Kapal beberapa hari lalu. Saya bilang mas Tessy tetap kuat, hadapi persidangan," kata Taufik kepada detikHOT, Rabu (18/3).

Taufik mengatakan bahwa dalam pertemuan terakhirnya, Tessy masih diinfus. Berat badannya terus menyusut semenjak ia tertangkap jajaran Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika Bareskrim Polri pada 23 Oktober 2014 usai menggunakan Shabu.

Baca Juga: Foto Dipeluk Glenn, Aura Kasih Mendadak Amnesia

"Waktu tertangkap mas Tessy beratnya 67 kg lalu turun 20 kg selama di RS Soekamto dan Lido. Nah pas pindah ke Lapas Bulak Kapal beratnya turun lagi jadi cuma 39 kg, tinggal tulang dan kulitnya aja," jelas Taufik.

Kondisi itu terjadi karena Tessy sulit menerima asupan makanan. Pelawak berusia 67 tahun itu selalu muntah ketika makan.

Baca Juga: Sempat Koma karena Tumor Otak, Putra Marcella Zalianty Sudah Membaik

"Makan masih belum bisa lewat mulut," lanjut Taufik. Tessy memang mengalami masalah pada tenggorokannya usai percobaan bunuh diri dengan meminum cairan pembersih lantai.

Tessy menjadi penghuni Lapas Bulak Kapal sejak 9 Maret lalu dengan status titipan kejaksaan. Rencananya sidang hari ini beragendakan pembacaan dakwaan.


Tessy terlihat sangat kurus mengenakan jaket berwarna gelap dan kupluk abu-abu. Desi Puspasari/detikHOT.


Menjadi pesinetron di usia muda tak membuat Aliando jenuh. Ia menikmati pekerjaannya sebagai bintang di layar televisi.

Padahal, Ali punya jam kerja yang benar-benar tak kenal waktu. Ia sering jarang pulang ke rumah demi syuting.

"Gue nikmatin pekerjaan ini, gue tetap ngerasa senang," ujarnya kepada detikHOT belum lama ini.

Foto: Aih... Cantiknya Rini Yulianti, Adik Ririn Ekawati

Di umurnya yang baru 18 tahun, semestinya Ali bisa menikmati masa remajanya. Namun hal itu tak membuat bintang yang kemarin disebut-sebut tengah dekat dengan Nikita Willy itu sedih.

Bekerja keras di masa muda diyakininya penting. Ali merasa apa yang ia lakukan dapat menjadi contoh remaja lainnya lewat profesi yang ia jalani sebagai pemain sinetron.

"Anak muda harus kerja keraslah, gue bangga udah bisa kerja keras di umur semuda ini buat ngumpulin hasil buat masa depan," pungkasnya.

(doc / mmu)


Sosok Aliando Syarief melambung sejak kemunculannya di layar televisi lewat aktingnya di sinetron 'Ganteng Ganteng Serigala'. Ali tak butuh waktu lama untuk menuai popularitas.

Bak meteor, sejak tampil menjadi pemain utama di sinetron yang ceritanya berkisah tentang vampir dan serigala pada April 2014 lalu, hingga kini profil dirinya melesat dikenal publik.

Dirinya boleh jadi dinilai masih 'pemain baru' di industri hiburan Tanah Air. Namun kepopuleran Ali seakan tak terbendung.

Di konser mini yang ia gelar, Minggu (15/3) di Solo misalnya. Ratusan remaja dari berbagai kota rela datang menyaksikan penampilan bintang berdarah Arab itu bernyanyi di atas panggung.

Baca: Jalani Sidang Perdana, Tessy Bahas Batu Akik

Mereka bahkan rela merogoh kocek hingga Rp 500 ribu demi dapat bertemu Ali secara langsung.

Bagi keluarga, kepopuleran yang Ali raih memang sudah semestinya. Sang kakek, Tafsirudin Nuretan menuturkan ia bersama keluarga besarnya memang membentuk sang cucu untuk menjadi seperti itu.

Melihat Ali sukses dikenal sebagai salah satu bintang muda yang bersinar, Tafsir pun mengumpamakannya seperti gelas di atas meja.

"Dia berada di atas bukan karena dia sendiri. Tapi banyak orang di bawahnya yang mendorong dia naik, baik dari penggemar juga keluarga," ujar Tafsir mengartikan perumpamaan yang ia sebutkan saat berbincang dengan detikHOT belum lama ini.

Foto: Makin Intim... Syahrini dan Dash Berlin Naik Jet Pribadi ke Yogyakarta

Meski bernaung di bawah manajemen, namun Tafsir enggan melepaskan Ali begitu saja. Hingga kini, ia ambil bagian dari berbagai pekerjaan yang cucunya lakukan. Tafsir tak memungkiri dirinya menjadi motor penggerak tak hanya karier namun dalam kehidupan Ali seutuhnya. Di antaranya soal menikah dan punya pasangan.

"Nggak ada terget menikah buat Ali. Terlebih sekarang, dia nggak boleh nikah dulu," urai Tafsir.

Tafsir punya alasan khusus dibalik keputusannya yang terkesan 'saklek' dalam mengendalikan sang cucu. Ia tak ingin cucunya terlena dengan gelimang materi dan kepopuleran yang diperoleh.

Cara itu dinilainya tepat menjaga gelas yang ia topang hingga bisa naik di tempat yang tinggi agar tak retak bahkan pecah.

"Dia ibarat patung. Ali tak boleh berjalan ataupun berkehendak sendiri karena kami sudah bisa tahu apa yang dia butuhkan tanpa dia minta," ungkap Tafsir yakin.

(doc / mmu)


Jakarta - Hilary Duff saat ini tengah menjalani proses perceraian dengan Mike Comrie. Dalam sebuah wawancara, bintang 'Lizzy McGuire' tersebut mulai berani terbuka mengenai kehidupan pribadinya.

Kembali pada saat masih berusia 16 tahun, Hilary pernah berpacaran dengan Joel Madden, yang kini menjadi suami Nicole Richie, yang kala itu berusia 26 tahun. Tiga tahun menjalin hubungan asmara, ibu satu anak tersebut tak menyangkal pengalaman seksual pertamanya dilakukan dengan sang mantan kekasih.

"Aku pernah punya kekasih berusia 16 tahun. Jadi semua orang bisa membuat asumsi sendiri mengenai apa yang pernah kulakukan," ujar Hilary ketika diwawancara oleh majalah Cosmopolitan, dikutip dari Female First, Kamis (19/3/2015).

Baca juga: Putri Eminem Semakin Cantik dan Dewasa

Hilary juga tak menyangkal tentang keberadaan 'teman rahasia' yang mendekatinya untuk kebutuhan seksual semata. Penyanyi berusia 27 tahun tersebut mengaku sangat menikmati masa mudanya.

"Kurasa setiap orang pernah merasakan sesuatu ketika kau tahu orang ini bukanlah yang kau cari, tapi di saat yang bersamaan kau ingin bersenang-senang. Hal ini sangat bebas dan membuka mata bagiku. Memiliki rahasia itu sangat menyenangkan," tutupnya.

Hillary Duff dan Mike Comrie menikah pada 2010 silam setelah tiga tahun berpacaran. Hingga pada awal 2014, keduanya memutuskan untuk bercerai dan tetap berhubungan baik hingga saat ini.



Jakarta - Vin Diesel dan kekasih, Paloma Jimenez, kini kembali dikaruniai seorang buah hati. Bintang film 'Fast and Furious' tersebut mengumumkan kabar bahagia tersebut melalui akun Facebook resminya.

Vin mengunggah foto bersama sang buah hati pada akun Facebook-nya, Selasa (17/3) lalu. Pada foto selfie pertama tersebut, aktor berusia 47 tahun itu berfoto dengan seorang bayi kecil yang tertidur di sebelah sang ibunda.

Bersamaan dengan foto yang diunggah, Vin pun menuliskan penggalan lirik dari lagu Louis Armstrong yang populer, 'What A Wonderful World'.

Baca juga: Putri Eminem Semakin Cantik dan Dewasa

"I hear babies crying, I watch them grow. They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, What a wonderful world..." tulisnya.

Namun hingga kini kedua pasangan yang tengah berbahagia tersebut belum merilis detail mengenai nama dan jenis kelamin sang buah hati. Nampaknya, Vin dan Paloma masih ingin menyembunyikannya dari media.

Bersama Paloma, Vin sebelumnya telah dikaruniai dua orang anak. Mereka adalah Hania (6) dan Vincent (4).


Romantis, Vin Diesel bersama kekasihnya Paloma Jimenez tiba di lokasi acara dan saling berpegangan tangan. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SENIOR MOTORSPORTS EDITOR MAC MORRISON: About 1,000 or so people are buying the Scion tC each month, and I imagine the majority of them are pleased with their purchase. For not a lot of coin, Scion provides a reasonably fun-to-drive car -- it's no FR-S, as you would expect -- with some racer-ish features that should appeal to youthful buyers while not going so far as to turn off potential older customers.

I was there for the launch of the entire Scion brand 10 years ago, and it's amazing to think so much time has passed. Certainly many in the automotive press snickered initially at the concept, as it seemed perhaps a bit too contrived, but the past decade has proven us wrong. No, it doesn't move hundreds of thousands of vehicles per year, or even 100,000, but it has brought a different kind of attention and, in some cases, buyer into Toyota's corporate fold. And other than the FR-S, the tC would be my choice.

Ride quality is good at the expense of ultimate sharp handling, and the six-speed automatic does a nice job of matching the driver's desires, be it cruising or kicking down under hard acceleration. At seven seconds or so, its 0-60 time doesn't move the goalposts in this class, nor does handling or braking; this is a solid car that does everything reasonably well and offers an outstanding sound system, Bluetooth, large display screen and easy-to-use controls. I always appreciate steering wheel-mounted controls, too, which are standard items here.

Scion says it revised the steering and suspension for 2014, but without an immediate back-to-back drive in last year's model, it's difficult to quantify just how much more lively the chassis feels. It's certainly not a revolution in tC dynamics.

Other than the well-bolstered seats, red-font gauges and flat-bottom steering wheel, the cockpit is relatively bland in a typically Toyota kind of way. Rear passenger room is a pleasant discovery and not necessarily expected in an entry-level coupe, though I suspect some will likewise be unpleasantly surprised at the rather average fuel-mileage ratings.

I much preferred the original tC's exterior design, but the new-for-2014 updates -- new hood, wheels, front fascia -- improve this version's presence, though I still can't quite get over the square-ness of it all. Equipped with the optional “high profile” rear lip spoiler, as this test car is, it reminds me of a shrunken Dodge Charger at times, which isn't quite what comes to mind typically when we're talking about small, sporty Japanese cars.

Frankly, the original tC was actually exciting on approach, and made me very curious as to how it drove. This car -- especially without any of the wide range of tack-on features and trim -- somehow reeks of the very blandness that Scion proclaimed itself to stand against. At this price range in this class, it's not too difficult for me to accept its generally average performance, but the last thing I expect from this lineup is average appearance.

Nevertheless, for not a lot of money you get a reasonably stylish, fun little car to drive, with some nice standard features that appeal to audiophiles in particular, and then there's always the Scion “aftermarket” parts cornucopia, both official and nonofficial, that has made the Scion range a case study in giving customers what they want, but only if they want it.


The 2014 Scion tC comes in at a base price of $20,965 with our tester topping off at $23,166.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR GRAHAM KOZAK: There was a guy I knew a few years ago, a little bit older than me, who was totally geeked about finally buying a Scion tC. Took pictures of the “assembled in Japan” origin/assembly plate on the door frame and everything. It was first-generation tC, and I was attracted to it -- it seemed compact, clean and sportier that its layout and powertrain would have otherwise suggested.

Anyway, last I'd heard he had totaled it, but I guess where I'm going with this is: This new Scion doesn't do anything for me. I'm able to remember a lot about an acquaintance's doomed tC several years after the fact, but I can't really remember much beyond the color and hard plastic interior of this one, which I drove a few days ago.

Mac is right it about doing everything you'd want a car in this price range to do reasonably well, and if the interior were a little better (and a little better insulated from mechanical and exterior sounds) I wouldn't have much trouble accepting it for what it is -- especially for $23,166.

Like the softened-up xB, though, the tC has just become a bland-if-not-terrible competitor into a crowded segment. I'm not seeing why this car really stands out at the moment, but it probably wouldn't take more than a medium-intensity refresh/interior upgrade to make me see it in another light.

Scion had a kind of cool, edgy thing going on when the brand debuted. I think they need to return to that -- at this point, I find Kia's Forte Koup and Soul and the Hyundai Veloster to be much more compelling oddballs. Again, Mac's certainly right about Scion's official aftermarket options. I just wish they'd given us a more interesting blank canvas for us to customize.


The 2014 Scion tC has an optional BeSpoke premium audio system that i, Agen Poker Terpercaya, Poker dan Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya, Poker dan Domino Terbaik,

ncludes GPS navigation.

ASSOCIATE WEST COAST EDITOR BLAKE Z. RONG: Gather 'round, kids, and let me tell you a story. Years before the “yoofs” saved up their pennies working overnight shifts at the White Hen Pantry for an FR-S, the only Scion two-door was the tC. It was the only vaguely sporty car Toyota made that was south of a Solara. For years, the brand dragged its enthusiast credentials on just that. And may God have mercy on the poor and benighted early adopters who ever thought the tC fit any skewed definition of “sporty motoring.”

Where to begin? In every function that defines a car's character, the tC seems dowdy and uninspired. Steering is devoid of any feel or weight. The brakes are spongy and squishy. The clutch and shifter on our manual-equipped test car in California are light enough for traffic but feel flimsy -- Toyota once proved on the MR2 Spyder that a manual transmission could be delicate but also have feeling, an essence that just isn't present with the tC. Rare is the moment when an automatic is preferable, but most Scion buyers know that, too. Perhaps most damningly, the 2.5-liter inline-four loathes to rev.

A few things that Toyota got right on the tC: the chassis is tight and responsive and never understeers. The ride is fairly comfortable. The hidden hatchback is clever, and there's decent room in the back -- though the omission of a standard tonneau cover reflects a uniquely American disdain for hatchbacks. Styling of this second generation tC's has really grown on me -- one of the cleanest shapes in contemporary car design gained weird angles, angry headlights and a huge, leering grille, but it also looks reliably sporty, like it's begging to be tossed around.

But thick C-pillars swallow up more cars than Robosaurus. A backup camera is not an option on any tC. Each door weighs as much as a high school football coach. The rest of the car weighs over 3,000 pounds. Is Toyota smuggling gold bars underneath the seats?

We checked. They're not. We were disappointed.

If you absolutely want a sporty Scion, save your dollars and make the $3K leap to an FR-S. The tC is a caricature of a hot hatch from around 1999, designed for a time when APC “carbon” wings flew off the shelves. (If your favorite car in the first Fast and Furious movie was that green, exploding Mitsubishi Eclipse, you might even be enamored with the exhaust note.) It must be working -- the tC has the lowest average buyer age in America, at 28 -- but as a 26-year-old, do I really need another reason to question my generation?

This is Scion's tC by Toyota. Despite the conspiracy theory that “tC” stands for “Toyota Celica,” there's little indication that this car could carry on such a legacy.


The interior of the 2014 Scion tC is equipped with well bolstered seats and a flat bottom steering wheel.

WEST COAST EDITOR MARK VAUGHN: My learned colleague Blake Z. Rong hated this thing. I think he called it a “pile.” And while I had it someone did, indeed, tuck into the outside rearview mirror support a business card that read, “I Buy Junk Cars!” Now this is not junk nor is it a “pile.”

I will admit at first I thought the shifter and the clutch were, indeed, cheap. I might have said “flimsy.” But there is a far stretch between flimsy and piledom. There is a TRD “QuickShifter” available for just $145 that sounds like a promising fix for this shifter vagueness. I would recommend it sight unseen. It would have to be an improvement. After a week of hammering the tC without the QuickShifter I more or less got the hang of it and really started wailing. It is fun to launch at maximum acceleration and listen to one of the front wheels spin, usually the inside one.

The 3,082-pound tC is powered by a relatively large -- for the class -- 2.5-liter four making 179 hp. That's 17.2 pounds per hp, which isn't bad for cars in this class, many of which have engines smaller than 2.0-liters. Combined with that manual transmission in our California test car, it looks like it just might get down the street. A few runs returned a 0-60 mph time of 8.1 seconds. More runs and more practice engaging the clutch just right would have meant a faster time. Published figures list anywhere from 7.3 to 7.8 seconds to 60, so, unless those guys are lying, you will probably get into the sevens. The trick is to control wheelspin to get a good launch. Just a little clutch slip then give it the rest of the throttle and you're off.

Once you get it sorted, you can wind it out to redline all day and generally have a blast. Scion should be commended for even offering this or anything with a manual transmission in this age of like-sized econoboxes with continuously variable transmissions. Those things could suck the life out of a 1999 New Years' Eve party with Prince headlining. So thank you, Scion, for giving us a manual, even if it was probably done to save a half a mile per gallon and you didn't have a CVT sorted out yet. Whatever the reason, I and maybe four or five other enthusiast drivers appreciate it.

I didn't think the electric power steering, added during the tC's 2010 total makeover to save another half-mile per gallon, was likewise as bad as BZR claims. How much steering feel do you want in a FWD econopile? Oops, I didn't mean to imply, suggest or state that the tC is in any way, shape or form a pile, as Blake has clearly stated.

And mileage? The EPA rates it at 23 city/31 hwy/26 combined. I ran through two tanksful, the first one returned 22.5 mpg and the second 23.8, but both of those were at high speeds and hard launches (good title for an autobiography). Efficiency would go up had this been a smaller displacement engine, but Scion's not about efficiency; it's about style and fun.

While the fun factor is pretty well laid out, the style, at least of this thing, is debatable. I never took to the look of this model, particularly the roofline, done at the last style makeover to provide more rear headroom. That rear C-pillar, which I took to calling the killer pillar, is huge. Why block so much vision with that extra-double-wide thing? It's not like it makes the car look good or anything. And there was no backup camera on our test tC to aid in not flattening cats when backing out of the driveway.

The tC starts at $19,965 with a manual transmission. With a couple options, the price of this test car went up to $20,543, while the automatic tester in Detroit rang in at $23,166. What else would the performance-minded buyer look at in this segment? A plain old Mazda 3 is a couple grand less, the Mazdaspeed 3 a few grand more. The Ford Fiesta ST and Fiat Abarth are about two grand or so more. I might save up and get the Fiesta ST, one of the best performance bargains in the FWD hatch segment.

But if you don't like the current tC, word on the street is that the new one is coming next year. So hold on and have a look then.

Base Price: $20,965

As-Tested Price: $23,166

Drivetrain: 2.5-liter I4; FWD, six-speed automatic

Output: 179 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 172 lb-ft @ 4,100 rpm

Curb Weight: 3,124 lb

Fuel Economy (EPA City/Highway/Combined): 23/31/26 mpg

AW Observed Fuel Economy: 23.1 mpg

Options: BeSpoke premium audio including voice-activated GPS navigation with touchscreen, aha ($1,198); rear lip spoiler high profile ($444); illuminated door sill ($375); carpeted floor mat ($184)

Mac Morrison

Mac Morrison - Mac Morrison is Autoweek’s senior editor for Motorsports covering racing at all levels, from club events to NASCAR, IndyCar, NHRA and Formula One. He also contributes to Autoweek’s coverage and testing of new cars and the automotive industry. See more by this author»


Scion future products: City car, sports coupe part of new direction

 The FR-S rear-wheel-drive sporty coupe will be Scion's flagship when it arrives in the spring of 2012. The concept version is shown.

A new wave of Scion products could redefine a brand that has consisted of boxy hatchbacks and a lone sporty coupe.

The launch of the iQ minicar reflects what executives call "the new urbanism" of young buyers. And the arrival of the FR-S rear-drive performance coupe will raise Scion's pricing, giving tC owners an aspirational vehicle.

But what happens to the two boxy vehicles, the xD and the xB? If Scion stuck to its short product cadences, as planned, they both would have been redesigned by now.

iQ: The three-occupant minicar arrives this fall, riding on a wheelbase 1 foot shorter than a Fiat 500. It is Toyota's first application of its 1.3-liter, 94-hp inline-four-cylinder, teamed with a continuously variable transmission. The iQ is priced just under $16,000 and comes with many standard features and 11 airbags. Its 13-foot turning circle will make it an urban favorite.

xB: Scion would have replaced the boxy hatchback in the spring of 2011 if it were on the traditional four-year cycle. Scion boss Jack Hollis says the existing model may stay around for a few years even if volume is low. Future development of Toyota's home-market Rumion could provide clues about the xB's successor.

xD: The base-model hatchback should be replaced in the spring of 2012 if it's on a five-year cycle. It shares a platform with the Japan-market ist, but there is talk that Toyota may kill the ist. That means the new product might be derived from the redesigned and more expensive Yaris platform.

tC: The sport coupe was redesigned in the summer of 2010.

FR-S: The rear-wheel-drive sporty coupe will be Scion's flagship when it arrives in the spring of 2012. The FR-S is powered by a 200-hp, 2.0-liter boxer-four engine from Subaru. It will ride on a 101.2-inch wheelbase and have an overall length of 168.2 inches. The price will start around $22,000, pricey for a Scion.

Mini pickup: The A-BAT concept is not dead; Scion wants it. This would be the nonhybrid version of the A-BAT, while Toyota would get a less stylized hybrid under the Prius banner. Likely combining RAV4 and Prius parts, the pickup would be more of a parcel carrier than a cargo hauler. Expect it in the 2014 model year.

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By Mark Rechtin

Mystery Acura finally revealed during Los Angeles Auto Show: It's not even a concept and no one outside Acura has seen it before until now

 Held in seclusion for five years, the Acura Sport was shown briefly at Honda's new Advanced Design Studio opening in LA. Photo by MARK VAUGHN

Design studios build all kinds of things all the time and the vast majority of them never see the light of day. In many cases that's a good thing. But occasionally there's a really cool-looking styling exercise that gets into the public eye one way or another. Such was the case with the Acura Sport.

Built five years ago by Honda's Advanced Design Studio in Pasadena, the sporty NSX-looking coupe was never intended to be seen outside the opaque walls of that high-security building.

“It was totally an internal advanced design concept,” said Dave Marek, director of advanced design for Honda R&D Americas.

It was built about five years ago when Honda was trying to decide what to do with the NSX. Should it be built? Should it be conservative, green and powered by a hybrid or sporty and powered by a V10? This was before the Detroit NSX concept and well before The Avengers car. The car you see here was a consideration of what the NSX could be. Sort of.

“It was a little different concept (from the NSX) but it had the same spirit of what that car was,” said Marek.

It didn't so much show up as the new NSX as it showed up in a lot of little ways on a lot of production Acuras.

“It was more, 'This studio should do form language and what could the Acura form language be?' " Marek said.

Form language is what makes an Acura an Acura and a Ferrari a Ferrari. You can see elements of the Acura Sport not-a-concept all over the current lineup.

“It trickled down into all the products.”

Look at the sides of Acuras and you'll see a hook in the fender just like the one on the Sport.

“It's not directly literal but the ILX has a lot of it in it.”

As do the wheel arches of Acuras going over the front fenders. And the way that body line goes into that hook.

But while elements of the Acura Sport styling exercise saw production, the car itself sat in seclusion.

Then Honda R&D's Pasadena Advanced Design Studio moved from Pasadena to just south of downtown Los Angeles, a block away from Staples Center and LA Live. Honda held a grand opening for invited guests only in conjunction with the Los Angeles Auto Show. So to decorate the first floor of the new studio Marek figured it couldn't hurt to show off the Acura Sport.

And so, five years later, here it is.

Autoweek LogoMark Vaughn

Mark Vaughn - After slumming in Europe five years covering F1 etc. Mark Vaughn interviewed with Autoweek at the 1989 Frankfurt motor show has been with us ever since because no one else will take him. Anyone? See more by this author»

2010 Scion tC, an AW Drivers Log

 Our Scion tC tester was loaded down with $7,000 in accessories.

ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR CHERYL L. BLAHNIK: When I first saw that I was in the tC, I was down with that. We had a long termer some time ago and I had no problems with the car and even recommended it to a friend who eventually bought one. But as I was walking around the parking lot looking for the car, I did a double take when the lights were flickering from me pushing down on the key fob. Those black wheels really set the car off and that is what caught my eyes. The car looked good on the outside, but I've always thought it had a good shape and feel to it. The interior is nicely done but I could do without the mood lighting, which I see is an option that I would surely drop. And when you start the engine, you can really hear that raspy exhaust, it's so loud that before I got home my family heard me coming.

It took me awhile to get the feel of the shifter but once I did it was fun to drive. This would be a car that if I was younger I'd probably look into with fun looks and roomy enough for friends. But I'm not sure if I would add all the extras turning an otherwise relatively cheap car into a pricier piece. But as a daily driver I can see it being good with mileage and I don't think I'd get bored with it.

MOTORSPORTS EDITOR MAC MORRISON: Here's a perfect example of the famous, age-old axiom that says you can put diamonds on excrement, but no matter how many or how much they cost, it's still excrement.

No, I'm kidding, that's way too harsh. But I just wanted to make a point. I liked the original tC that we had as a long-term test car a few years ago, and this version is a good little car with sharp styling and some cool trim and features. But loading it up with nearly $7,000 of Scion-endorsed personalization pieces is beyond stupid. Well, that, and maybe I'm getting too old to appreciate the fun in doing so. Or maybe I don't know how to have fun anymore, period. But it's still stupid.

Seriously, here's the thing: Even with the snazzy 18-inch TRD rims, Toyo Proxes rubber, TRD sport muffler, sport pedals, custom shift knob, rear spoiler lip and more, this car isn't much better than it would be without all of that stuff. And either way, it's a long way from being a performance beast. The clutch position relative to the seating position (and the way your leg falls) makes it a challenge to engage and disengage the clutch smoothly. The steering feels a little rubbery and the car torque steers noticeably, making it a jerky little thing to hammer on like a sports car. The tC does not respond smoothly to enthusiastic driving, making it as much of a chore to operate as it should be a joy. And that's a problem.

I like the design inside and out, and it's put together well with some cool styling cues, especially in the interior, which has some sweet optional "mood" lighting. The sport muffler gives the car a mean little rumble at almost any rpm, which I liked. But again, the trouble is that the exhaust sounds much better than the car actually goes.

Once you get the hang of the shifter and clutch, you can drive the car relatively smooth and it's a fun, sporty compact to zip around town in, so don't get me wrong, I do like it. It rides firm and hangs on in the corners enough that you can have a good amount of fun. But it irritates me that the Scion line is more flash than substance, and that "kids" get sucked into dumping loads of money on the mighty, profit-margin dreams known as "accessories." Toyota must be laughing all the way to the bank. I don't blame it.

In reality, if someone was willing to buy this car and dump $7,000 on that stuff, they'd be a lot better off just buying a $23,000 car like a GTI or MazdaSpeed 3 and leaving it stock. That's what I would do if I were shopping in this category.

2010 Scion tC

Base Price: $17,670

As-Tested Price: $23,468

Drivetrain: 2.4-liter I4; FWD, five-speed manual

Output: 161 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 162 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm

Curb Weight: 2,932 lb

Fuel Economy: (EPA/AW) 23/19.7 mpg

Options: Upgrade TRD 18-inch five-spoke black finish alloy wheel, Toyo Proxes, TRD wheel locks ($1,999); ground effects ($1,083); TRD sport muffler ($525); Scion security ($469); fog lights ($437); rear spoiler lip ($385); illuminated door sill ($335); LED underdash cupholder illumination ($250); sport pedals ($79); floor and cargo mats ($171); custom shift knob ($65)

A look at Scion future products: Is it time for Scion to bag the box?

 Buyers of the Scion FR-S who want more power will have to go to the aftermarket for a turbocharger kit.

Scion's new iQ minicar and FR-S coupe are nothing like the range of products originally envisioned for the brand. But changing the recipe was always part of the deal for Toyota's youth brand.

Indeed, the future of the xB and xD--the cars that have mainly defined Scion until now--are in flux. The hatchbacks are aging poorly and will be at least 6 years old when replaced, despite Scion's original promise of quick model changeovers.

iQ: The three-passenger minicar arrived in fall 2011.

xB: Scion executives give mixed signals about the boxy car that is a brand icon. They say it is important, but also that the box has run its course and is likely to be replaced by something much different. There has been talk of reconfiguring the boxy, 100-inch wheelbase Daihatsu COO/Materia, which is closer in size and design to the original xB that defined the Scion brand.

Scion has said the 2013 New York auto show will offer an idea as to the successor. The problem: The xB will be 6 years old by then and should have been replaced by now.

xD: Scion also will show the replacement for its entry hatchback at the New York show next spring. The new vehicle is derived from Toyota's NBC (New Basic Car) platform that also is the basis of the Yaris. Because of the xD's tepid sales, Scion is rethinking its entry in the segment. We may see something more like the Ractis mini-minivan from the Japan market. The new xD likely will arrive in the fall of 2013.

tC: The sport coupe's redesign arrived in summer of 2010. Expect special trim-package editions but few other changes. A typical five-year cycle puts a redesign in the summer of 2015.

FR-S: The rear-wheel-drive 200-hp sporty coupe arrived this spring. Because pricing of the base FR-S starts above $25,000, the idea of a turbocharged performance version has been shelved because it would be too expensive. Drivers who want more power will get aftermarket kits from Toyota Racing Development, or other kit suppliers, but there will be no retail version.

The convertible also is a no-go for the United States because of the price issue. It will sell in overseas markets with the Toyota "86" badge

Mini pickup: Toyota sources say there will be no production version of the A-BAT concept from the 2008 Detroit show. But that doesn't mean the idea of a car-based utility vehicle is dead. A funky pickup could rise from the ashes. But the market for compact pickups is small, and pricing pressure--especially given the yen exchange rates if the vehicle were to be made in Japan--is too tough.

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By Mark Rechtin, Automotive News

Monday, March 16, 2015

ROAD TEST EDITOR JONATHAN WONG: There are a few certainties that come with Acura vehicles: They are always going to have solid drivetrains, snappy handling traits and conservative styling. And it's no different with this 2014 Acura ILX Tech that's based on the Honda Civic. That means a suspension with MacPherson struts up front and a multilink setup out back, but I don't really think the ILX looks a lot like the Civic. Sure, they have similar proportions but the sheetmetal is certainly different. I'm also glad that the Acura retains the torque-converted automatic gearbox instead of following the Civic's lead and “upgrading” to a continuously variable transmission -- at least for now.

This is the first time I've been in an ILX with the base 2.0-liter four-cylinder, which I'll point out isn't the 1.8-liter unit that regular Civics get. While 150 hp in the ILX felt sufficient getting off the line and merging into the expressway, there is no denying that my drivetrain of choice is the 2.4-liter I4 with 201-hp teamed with the super slick six-speed manual. The problem there is that the 2.4-liter is only offered with the Premium Package trim level, meaning you can't get navigation or the nice-sounding ELS audio system with it.

Our test car is a Technology Package model so it's loaded with the aforementioned navigation and premium audio system as well as real-time traffic and weather, Homelink and GPS-linked automatic climate controls, which explains the $32,585 as-tested price.

Over my weekend, I appreciated the ILX's spritely handling with quick steering, decent grip from the all-season Michelin Pilot MX HXM4 tires, and well controlled body motions through corners. Ride quality is fairly comfortable with the suspension taking the edge off of most of the ruts I encountered.

Cabin materials are alright with large portions of the main dash soft-touch. The center stack thankfully retains a lot of hard buttons with the main center infotainment screen inset into the dash. Heated seats were greatly appreciated and the soft leather-wrapped steering wheel conveys a feeling of higher quality. It's a nice setting if you consider that this is Acura's entry-level vehicle and is certainly a step above a Civic.

Overall, the ILX is a respectable entry that I would go with over the Buick Verano. But if I was looking to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $33K or $34K, I would be taking home another Acura vehicle: the soon-to-be discontinued TSX. For $34,630 you would have the TSX Tech with all the bells and whistles in a package that's better looking to my eye, has the stellar 2.4-liter engine and handles a bit sharper. If you can live without navigation, a better audio system and rearview camera, then you could get the TSX Special Edition with the six-speed manual for $32,530, which is probably what I would do.


The 2014 Acura ILX comes in at a base price of $32,585.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR GRAHAM KOZAK: We should probably get this out of the way right now: The Acura ILX doesn't look that much like a Honda Civic. I mean, the rear three-quarter view means you'll never forget the two cars' shared lineage, but the Acura looks a lot less like a suppository than its compact cousin.

But I think the reason car people are so ready to call this a gussied up Civic is because it doesn't really look like anything. It's not a bad car inside or out -- it's just kind of boring. Like nearly everything else Honda/Acura seems to make today, it has a competent, rock-solid set of mechanicals. It can even be fun, at times. Yet all of its positive attributes are wrapped in a fairly dull package.

From the front seat, this car isn't a bad place to be (can't necessarily say the same about the back, which seemed small). Steering is smooth and direct, a good match for the powertrain. Snow and ice made it hard to push the car through corners with confidence (Acura's fun AWD system would have been welcome), but the suspension did seem to soak up the absolutely shocking number of potholes that have materialized on Detroit's roads since winter set in.

The 2.0-liter was pleasant if not particularly peppy; I'd like to try the 2.4-liter with the six-speed manual. If my enjoyable stint in the TL is anything to go by, I suspect I'd come away a little more enthused about the ILX with a slightly larger engine and the ability to select my own gears.

So, this is not a bad car. But buyers have a lot to choose from in this price range, like the turbocharged Buick Verano -- well equipped, it can be had for around the same price. It has about 100 hp on the Acura and it looks better, in my book. I'd like to give it a whirl before choosing a favorite.

Base Price: $32,585

As-Tested Price: $32,585

Drivetrain: 2.0-liter I4; FWD, five-speed automatic

Output: 150 hp @ 6,500 rpm, 140 lb-ft @ 4,300 rpm

Curb Weight: 2,970 lb

Fuel Economy (EPA City/Highway/Combined): 24/35/28 mpg

AW Observed Fuel Economy: 22.0 mpg

Options: None


Honda showcases 2013 Accord coupes, sedans at SEMA: Acura returns to show after six-year absence with ILX sedans

 The 2013 Honda Accord coupe gets an attitude upgrade with the new Honda Factory Performance package. Photo by Honda

Honda and Acura are looking to make waves at the 2012 SEMA show in Las Vegas, bringing a range of customized and tuned vehicles to the show floor. The redesigned 2013 Accord coupe and sedan are prominently featured at the Honda display, while Acura shows off the performance potential of the new 2013 ILX sedan.

To demonstrate what enthusiasts can do with genuine Honda aftermarket parts, the automaker is displaying a 2013 Accord coupe outfitted with the new Honda Factory Performance (HFP) package. The package includes 19-inch alloy wheels, front, side and rear underbody spoilers, another spoiler for the decklid, lowered sport suspension, exterior styling touches and more.

Honda says it will only sell 500 HFP packages in 2013. The packages will retail for a suggested $4,650 and come complete with a three-year/36,000 mile warranty.

A 2013 Accord sedan wearing Honda's X-Package styling ensemble is on display as well.

For the final two Accords on the floor, Honda handed the keys to a pair of tuners. The first, Bisimoto, turned a V6-powered Accord coupe into a 401 hp grand tourer. DSO Eyewear/MAD Industries handled the second, an Accord sedan featuring heavy interior and exterior modifications.

Honda will feature a handful of additional vehicles at its SEMA display, including a Honda-powered IndyCar replica, a B-Spec Honda Fit race car with a 2012 SCCA class victory under its belt and a supercharged CR-Z concept.

Acura will be a part of Honda's SEMA display after a six-year absence from the show. The automaker hopes to make a splash with its redesigned 2013 ILX sedan, and it's using SEMA as an opportunity to highlight its performance potential with two concepts.

The first, reportedly constructed by members of Honda's racing development team on their own time, is built for serious track action. Called the 2013 Acura ILX Endurance Racer, it is expected to compete in the 25 Hours of Thunderhill race later this year.

A second ILX concept by Evasive Motorsports preps the sedan for the street rather than the track. It features an aftermarket supercharger, Acura Genuine Accessories aero kit and other unspecified modifications.

The sleek Acura Supercar Concept—fresh off the set of “The Avengers”—is sure to draw its fair share of attention at the Acura display as well.

The 2012 SEMA show takes place Oct. 30 through Nov. 2 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show is a leading indicator of trends in technology and customization for the automotive industry. Autoweek will be there with the latest news, photos and video, and we'll bring it all to you right here at

Autoweek LogoGraham Kozak

Graham Kozak - Graham Kozak drove a 1951 Packard 200 sedan in high school because he wanted something that would be easy to find in a parking lot. He thinks all the things they're doing with fuel injection and seatbelts these days are pretty nifty too. See more by this author»

A look at Acura future products: Redone flagship arrives this fall; MDX, TL in '13

 The production version of the Acura NSX is due in 2014. The concept version is shown. Photo by ROGER HART

Acura is in the middle of a major product changeover, reflecting plans to challenge second-tier luxury rivals Audi, Buick, Infiniti and Volvo rather than Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Lexus.

Acura has launched the ILX compact sedan and redesigned the RDX compact crossover. It will redesign the RL flagship this fall and make changes to the MDX crossover and TL mid-sized sedan in 2013.

Acura will lead the technology revolution for Honda Motor as the new Earth Dreams engine family is installed in all future vehicles. Also, Acura is moving toward increased use of seven-speed dual-clutch automatic transmissions in addition to its basic six-speed automatic. More models also will get hybrid versions.

ILX: Acura returned to the entry-luxury sedan segment this spring. But already criticism that the base 2.0-liter engine is underpowered may lead to a mid-cycle swap-out for the 2.4-liter, 181-hp Earth Dreams engine, or an automatic transmission for the 200-hp 2.4-liter from the Civic Si. Company sources say, in response to rumors on the Internet, that there are no plans for a coupe variant.

TSX: Within Acura there is talk that the TSX will go away after its normal model cycle ends next year. But don't be surprised if limited production continues, because the TSX's V6 version doesn't cannibalize the ILX's four-cylinder offerings.

TL: A redesign comes next spring, still sharing the Accord's underpinnings. Because the TL is too close in footprint to the RL, expect a shorter wheelbase and overall length, moving it closer to the soon-to-depart TSX. The big change will be addition of the Earth Dreams engine, a 3.5-liter V6 with 310 hp and 265 pounds-feet of torque. This is 30 more hp and 11 more pounds-feet than the outgoing 3.5-liter engine in the TL. A hybrid version will also be available, sharing the same parts as the Honda Accord Hybrid and with a fuel economy rating of around 45 mpg.

RL: A redesign comes in fall, and the Earth Dreams V6 from the base TL is the base engine. It will be teamed with a front-wheel-drive transmission and a four-wheel-steering system. The base model is expected to weigh under 4,000 pounds thanks to extensive use of aluminum and high-strength steel.

The RL will have an optional 3.5-liter direct-injection V6 engine with variable valve timing, combined with Honda Motor's Sport Hybrid All-Wheel Drive system. The improved engine puts out more than 370 hp, using a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission.

The redesigned car is about the same length as the current RL, but with a wheelbase two inches longer. Both the track and vehicle width will increase by about two inches.

RDX: The crossover was redesigned this spring. The big change: A V6 replaced the turbocharged four-cylinder engine.

ZDX: Sales are sliding for the MDX variant, but since it costs relatively little to produce it alongside the MDX, it might remain in the lineup as a special-order vehicle until the next MDX arrives.

MDX: The mid-sized crossover is scheduled for a redesign next fall and will stay on the Pilot/Odyssey platform. Don't expect much change in size, but definitely look for a dialing back of the "beak" grille. It will get the same Earth Dreams 310-hp V6 engine as the TL.

NSX: By 2014, Honda will hand-build the Acura sports car on a small-scale assembly line at the company's r&d facility in Ohio. The NSX will be as much about technology as performance. Instead of a monster engine, it will have a compact, direct-injection V6 teamed with a lithium ion battery pack. The "Sport Hybrid All-Wheel Drive" system uses two integrated drive units at the rear wheels connected to a motor-generator that delivers power.

The NSX will be developed at Honda r&d in Ohio.

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By Mark Rechtin, Automotive News

2015 Acura ILX sees price bump, new features

 The 2015 Acura ILX starts at $27,945. Photo by Acura

Acura has announced pricing for its 2015 ILX model lineup on Tuesday. Acura's entry-level luxury sedan will see an across-the-board $150 price hike from last year's models. The base ILX, mated to a 150-hp, 2.0-liter four, will start at $27,945.

If XM radio, Bluetooth Audio, Pandora interface and other musical goodies are more your flavor, an extra $2,200 will get you all that and more with the addition of the Premium Package. For $32,645, the 2.0-liter ILX will get even more features in the form of the Technology Package, which includes navigation, AcuraLink Real-Time Weather, surround-sound audio and satellite communication.

If you want more pep in your ILX's step, the 2.4-liter, 201-hp, four-cylinder (the same one in the Civic Si) mated to a six-speed manual is the way to go. You'll have to spend $30,245 for that, along with the Premium Package, for all of your music listening needs.

The 2015 ILX will be in showrooms June 18. You can go here to build your own.

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Sam Thetard See more by this author»

2014 Acura ILX priced at $27,795

 The 2014 Acural ILX goes on sale Tuesday. Photo by Acura

The 2014 Acura ILX sedan will cost $27,795 when it goes on sale on Tuesday, including an $895 destination charge. The premium package adds $3,200 while the technology package adds $4,700. A six-speed manual can also be specified. These prices represent an increase of $1,000 over the 2013 model.

Two engines are offered, a 2.0-liter, 150-hp four, as well as a 201-hp 2.4-liter four. Combined fuel mileage is 25 mpg in the 2.4-liter, 28 mpg for the smaller mill.

The Honda Civic-based ILX comes standard with 17-inch alloy wheels, new leatherette door liners and leather seating surfaces, eight-way power driver’s seat, heated front seats and a multi-angle rearview camera. It also gets an upgraded stereo system with active noise cancellation.

Keyless access, push button start, and Pandora radio are also offered in addition to the tech and premium packages.

The chassis of the ILX uses a fully-independent MacPherson strut setup in front with a multilink rear and Acura’s Amplitude Reactive Dampers, which -- according to Acura -- offer more comfort and better handling. An electric power steering system is standard.

Acura builds the ILX at its Greensburg, Ind. plant.

Autoweek LogoJake Lingeman

Jake Lingeman - Jake Lingeman is Associate Editor at Autoweek, reporting on cars, car tech and the world at large. See more by this author»

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Scion teases 2014 tC coupe before New York auto show

 The 2014 Scion tC exhibits some familiar styling cues. Photo by Blake Z. Rong/Toyota

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Scion unveiled a teaser for the 2014 tC coupe, which the company will unveil next week at the New York auto show.

This isn't it, and since Toyota just wants to give us a glimpse to foster speculation, we're going to oblige:

In a marked departure from the current-generation tC, the new car will be based heavily on the mechanicals and chassis of the 1971 Toyota Crown, known internally as "S60" but popularly as the "kujira," or "blue whale." The new tC will expand to an 8.8-foot wheelbase and feature styling exactly reminiscent of the 1970s Toyota, complete with such features as curb feelers, fender-mounted mirrors, whitewall tires and a step-nosed grille that mimics the 1963-1966 Alfa Romeo Guilia Sprint GT, or possibly a 1970 Chrysler Newport.

Toyota has not yet hinted at what engines will go in the new tC, but if historical perspective is taken into account, we can speculate that the engines will be precisely the 2.6-liter 4M 2600 inline-six with a single overhead cam and a Keihin slide carburetor, producing around 122 hp. This compares with the tC's current engine, a 2.5-liter DOHC inline-four that produces 180 hp and is shared with the Camry.

There will be four trims available: The Deluxe will come with such niceties as an AM radio, while the Super Deluxe and Super Saloon -- pictured above -- will round out the lineup. At the top of the range is a Royal Saloon, which will include such luxurious features as velour upholstery, lace curtains in the back windows, a fold-down front seat for Japanese businessmen to put their feet upon while being chauffeured, and an FM band on the radio.

The Scion tC has faced declining sales for some time now. In 2006, Scion sold nearly 80,000 tC coupes. Last year, Scion sold less than 23,000. In 1971, Toyota sold 3,934 Crowns before pulling the model from U.S. shores.

Whether this refreshed 2014 Scion Crown tC Royal Coupe Saloon can save the brand remains to be seen, but we will find out more when the tC is unveiled next week in New York, and we won't have to put up with these SEO-fueled, buzzword-generating, manufacturer-supplied teaser images.

We're done with manufacturer efforts to drag vehicle reveals out for weeks and months. It's a marketing gimmick, and it's jumped the shark -- we're taking our ball and going home. If you're desperate to catch a glimpse of some random outline (in case one might question the fact that the vehicle comes equipped with four fenders), you'll have no trouble finding the 2014 Scion tC teaser on the Internet. If you want to see an actual 2014 tC, we'll have it for you here live from the New York auto show floor next week.

Autoweek LogoBlake Z. Rong

Blake Z. Rong - Associate editor Blake Z. Rong has been with Autoweek since 2012 as an Associate Editor in Los Angeles. He drove his Mazda Miata across the country and believes that no man needs a car any larger or faster. Well, ok, faster, certainly. See more by this author»

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SENIOR MOTORSPORTS EDITOR MAC MORRISON: About 1,000 or so people are buying the Scion tC each month, and I imagine the majority of them are pleased with their purchase. For not a lot of coin, Scion provides a reasonably fun-to-drive car -- it's no FR-S, as you would expect -- with some racer-ish features that should appeal to youthful buyers while not going so far as to turn off potential older customers.

I was there for the launch of the entire Scion brand 10 years ago, and it's amazing to think so much time has passed. Certainly many in the automotive press snickered initially at the concept, as it seemed perhaps a bit too contrived, but the past decade has proven us wrong. No, it doesn't move hundreds of thousands of vehicles per year, or even 100,000, but it has brought a different kind of attention and, in some cases, buyer into Toyota's corporate fold. And other than the FR-S, the tC would be my choice.

Ride quality is good at the expense of ultimate sharp handling, and the six-speed automatic does a nice job of matching the driver's desires, be it cruising or kicking down under hard acceleration. At seven seconds or so, its 0-60 time doesn't move the goalposts in this class, nor does handling or braking; this is a solid car that does everything reasonably well and offers an outstanding sound system, Bluetooth, large display screen and easy-to-use controls. I always appreciate steering wheel-mounted controls, too, which are standard items here.

Scion says it revised the steering and suspension for 2014, but without an immediate back-to-back drive in last year's model, it's difficult to quantify just how much more lively the chassis feels. It's certainly not a revolution in tC dynamics.
Other than the well-bolstered seats, red-font gauges and flat-bottom steering wheel, the cockpit is relatively bland in a typically Toyota kind of way. Rear passenger room is a pleasant discovery and not necessarily expected in an entry-level coupe, though I suspect some will likewise be unpleasantly surprised at the rather average fuel-mileage ratings.

I much preferred the original tC's exterior design, but the new-for-2014 updates -- new hood, wheels, front fascia -- improve this version's presence, though I still can't quite get over the square-ness of it all. Equipped with the optional “high profile” rear lip spoiler, as this test car is, it reminds me of a shrunken Dodge Charger at times, which isn't quite what comes to mind typically when we're talking about small, sporty Japanese cars.

Frankly, the original tC was actually exciting on approach, and made me very curious as to how it drove. This car -- especially without any of the wide range of tack-on features and trim -- somehow reeks of the very blandness that Scion proclaimed itself to stand against. At this price range in this class, it's not too difficult for me to accept its generally average performance, but the last thing I expect from this lineup is average appearance.

Nevertheless, for not a lot of money you get a reasonably stylish, fun little car to drive, with some nice standard features that appeal to audiophiles in particular, and then there's always the Scion “aftermarket” parts cornucopia, both official and nonofficial, that has made the Scion range a case study in giving customers what they want, but only if they want it.
The 2014 Scion tC comes in at a base price of $20,965 with our tester topping off at $23,166.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR GRAHAM KOZAK: There was a guy I knew a few years ago, a little bit older than me, who was totally geeked about finally buying a Scion tC. Took pictures of the “assembled in Japan” origin/assembly plate on the door frame and everything. It was first-generation tC, and I was attracted to it -- it seemed compact, clean and sportier that its layout and powertrain would have otherwise suggested.

Anyway, last I'd heard he had totaled it, but I guess where I'm going with this is: This new Scion doesn't do anything for me. I'm able to remember a lot about an acquaintance's doomed tC several years after the fact, but I can't really remember much beyond the color and hard plastic interior of this one, which I drove a few days ago.

Mac is right it about doing everything you'd want a car in this price range to do reasonably well, and if the interior were a little better (and a little better insulated from mechanical and exterior sounds) I wouldn't have much trouble accepting it for what it is -- especially for $23,166.
Like the softened-up xB, though, the tC has just become a bland-if-not-terrible competitor into a crowded segment. I'm not seeing why this car really stands out at the moment, but it probably wouldn't take more than a medium-intensity refresh/interior upgrade to make me see it in another light.

Scion had a kind of cool, edgy thing going on when the brand debuted. I think they need to return to that -- at this point, I find Kia's Forte Koup and Soul and the Hyundai Veloster to be much more compelling oddballs. Again, Mac's certainly right about Scion's official aftermarket options. I just wish they'd given us a more interesting blank canvas for us to customize.
The 2014 Scion tC has an optional BeSpoke premium audio system that i, Agen Poker Terpercaya, Poker dan Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya, Poker dan Domino Terbaik,

ncludes GPS navigation.

ASSOCIATE WEST COAST EDITOR BLAKE Z. RONG: Gather 'round, kids, and let me tell you a story. Years before the “yoofs” saved up their pennies working overnight shifts at the White Hen Pantry for an FR-S, the only Scion two-door was the tC. It was the only vaguely sporty car Toyota made that was south of a Solara. For years, the brand dragged its enthusiast credentials on just that. And may God have mercy on the poor and benighted early adopters who ever thought the tC fit any skewed definition of “sporty motoring.”

Where to begin? In every function that defines a car's character, the tC seems dowdy and uninspired. Steering is devoid of any feel or weight. The brakes are spongy and squishy. The clutch and shifter on our manual-equipped test car in California are light enough for traffic but feel flimsy -- Toyota once proved on the MR2 Spyder that a manual transmission could be delicate but also have feeling, an essence that just isn't present with the tC. Rare is the moment when an automatic is preferable, but most Scion buyers know that, too. Perhaps most damningly, the 2.5-liter inline-four loathes to rev.

A few things that Toyota got right on the tC: the chassis is tight and responsive and never understeers. The ride is fairly comfortable. The hidden hatchback is clever, and there's decent room in the back -- though the omission of a standard tonneau cover reflects a uniquely American disdain for hatchbacks. Styling of this second generation tC's has really grown on me -- one of the cleanest shapes in contemporary car design gained weird angles, angry headlights and a huge, leering grille, but it also looks reliably sporty, like it's begging to be tossed around.
But thick C-pillars swallow up more cars than Robosaurus. A backup camera is not an option on any tC. Each door weighs as much as a high school football coach. The rest of the car weighs over 3,000 pounds. Is Toyota smuggling gold bars underneath the seats?

We checked. They're not. We were disappointed.

If you absolutely want a sporty Scion, save your dollars and make the $3K leap to an FR-S. The tC is a caricature of a hot hatch from around 1999, designed for a time when APC “carbon” wings flew off the shelves. (If your favorite car in the first Fast and Furious movie was that green, exploding Mitsubishi Eclipse, you might even be enamored with the exhaust note.) It must be working -- the tC has the lowest average buyer age in America, at 28 -- but as a 26-year-old, do I really need another reason to question my generation?

This is Scion's tC by Toyota. Despite the conspiracy theory that “tC” stands for “Toyota Celica,” there's little indication that this car could carry on such a legacy.
The interior of the 2014 Scion tC is equipped with well bolstered seats and a flat bottom steering wheel.

WEST COAST EDITOR MARK VAUGHN: My learned colleague Blake Z. Rong hated this thing. I think he called it a “pile.” And while I had it someone did, indeed, tuck into the outside rearview mirror support a business card that read, “I Buy Junk Cars!” Now this is not junk nor is it a “pile.”

I will admit at first I thought the shifter and the clutch were, indeed, cheap. I might have said “flimsy.” But there is a far stretch between flimsy and piledom. There is a TRD “QuickShifter” available for just $145 that sounds like a promising fix for this shifter vagueness. I would recommend it sight unseen. It would have to be an improvement. After a week of hammering the tC without the QuickShifter I more or less got the hang of it and really started wailing. It is fun to launch at maximum acceleration and listen to one of the front wheels spin, usually the inside one.

The 3,082-pound tC is powered by a relatively large -- for the class -- 2.5-liter four making 179 hp. That's 17.2 pounds per hp, which isn't bad for cars in this class, many of which have engines smaller than 2.0-liters. Combined with that manual transmission in our California test car, it looks like it just might get down the street. A few runs returned a 0-60 mph time of 8.1 seconds. More runs and more practice engaging the clutch just right would have meant a faster time. Published figures list anywhere from 7.3 to 7.8 seconds to 60, so, unless those guys are lying, you will probably get into the sevens. The trick is to control wheelspin to get a good launch. Just a little clutch slip then give it the rest of the throttle and you're off.

Once you get it sorted, you can wind it out to redline all day and generally have a blast. Scion should be commended for even offering this or anything with a manual transmission in this age of like-sized econoboxes with continuously variable transmissions. Those things could suck the life out of a 1999 New Years' Eve party with Prince headlining. So thank you, Scion, for giving us a manual, even if it was probably done to save a half a mile per gallon and you didn't have a CVT sorted out yet. Whatever the reason, I and maybe four or five other enthusiast drivers appreciate it.
I didn't think the electric power steering, added during the tC's 2010 total makeover to save another half-mile per gallon, was likewise as bad as BZR claims. How much steering feel do you want in a FWD econopile? Oops, I didn't mean to imply, suggest or state that the tC is in any way, shape or form a pile, as Blake has clearly stated.

And mileage? The EPA rates it at 23 city/31 hwy/26 combined. I ran through two tanksful, the first one returned 22.5 mpg and the second 23.8, but both of those were at high speeds and hard launches (good title for an autobiography). Efficiency would go up had this been a smaller displacement engine, but Scion's not about efficiency; it's about style and fun.

While the fun factor is pretty well laid out, the style, at least of this thing, is debatable. I never took to the look of this model, particularly the roofline, done at the last style makeover to provide more rear headroom. That rear C-pillar, which I took to calling the killer pillar, is huge. Why block so much vision with that extra-double-wide thing? It's not like it makes the car look good or anything. And there was no backup camera on our test tC to aid in not flattening cats when backing out of the driveway.

The tC starts at $19,965 with a manual transmission. With a couple options, the price of this test car went up to $20,543, while the automatic tester in Detroit rang in at $23,166. What else would the performance-minded buyer look at in this segment? A plain old Mazda 3 is a couple grand less, the Mazdaspeed 3 a few grand more. The Ford Fiesta ST and Fiat Abarth are about two grand or so more. I might save up and get the Fiesta ST, one of the best performance bargains in the FWD hatch segment.

But if you don't like the current tC, word on the street is that the new one is coming next year. So hold on and have a look then.

Base Price: $20,965

As-Tested Price: $23,166

Drivetrain: 2.5-liter I4; FWD, six-speed automatic

Output: 179 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 172 lb-ft @ 4,100 rpm

Curb Weight: 3,124 lb

Fuel Economy (EPA City/Highway/Combined): 23/31/26 mpg
AW Observed Fuel Economy: 23.1 mpg

Options: BeSpoke premium audio including voice-activated GPS navigation with touchscreen, aha ($1,198); rear lip spoiler high profile ($444); illuminated door sill ($375); carpeted floor mat ($184)
Mac Morrison
Mac Morrison - Mac Morrison is Autoweek’s senior editor for Motorsports covering racing at all levels, from club events to NASCAR, IndyCar, NHRA and Formula One. He also contributes to Autoweek’s coverage and testing of new cars and the automotive industry. See more by this author»


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